There is a parents’ / teachers’ forum. They meet once in a year. It provides the parents with the opportunity of meeting with all the staff of Educare. Issues concerning the well being of the children are discussed. All parents are usually expected to attend this meeting.
To facilitate the smooth running of Educare as it regards organization / planning of events etc… there are working committees comprising of parents and management that meet regularly. The Proprietress attends the meetings of these committees occasionally.
Advice, suggestions, corrections as well as new ideas that can improve the establishment, are always welcome from the parents.
Destination of children (criteria for admission)
Our children are automatically admitted into Greenoak International School (G.I.S.), provided that:
- They are five (5) years old by the end of August.
- Have been in Educare for at least two sessions. However, children who are in Educare for less than 2 sessions may be admitted into GIS provided they pass the admission assessment.
- Are of good behaviour.

Children with special needs may not be admitted unless they are certified fit by a specialist.
Parents need to secure the child’s space by paying the required Learning & teaching resources fee within the stipulated time.
For more information please contact or visit their website
Educare Alumni
Educare is more than 30 years old! We shall be very happy to hear from our Alumni.
Please contact us, tell us of your achievements. Furthermore, write an article with your thoughts, memories, achievements and your current picture. We shall be happy to publish such in our yearbook. Please Send your article / photo to
During our 30th Anniversary we received with great pleasure Congratulatory messages and articles from some of our Alumni.
We encourage you to further organize yourselves and create a sense of belonging.