New entrants are accepted at any time during the year, provided there is available space.
Our policy is to give priority to our siblings as well as G.I.S. siblings provided there is space. There is a quota system of admitting indigenous and expatriate children.
Where a child joins in the middle of the session, the child will be placed in the right level by September (according to his/her age).
By the end of each term, child Development reports are sent to the parents where they can see their child’s progress.
The teaching staff are always available to discuss matters as they arise at convenient times.
During summer months, we admit external children that are on vacation. The parents of these children can pay the fees either weekly or monthly. This applies only during the summer vacation period (July and August).
EDUCARE is a private-owned establishment that does not receive any subsidy.
Once a child is admitted in Educare all required fees must be paid in full before resumption.
Fees are paid as follow:
- The Registration fee and the Development levy are paid only once during the enrolment of the child.
- The Learning / Teaching resources fee is paid once a year.
- Tuition Fees and Socials are paid annually or termly (4 months period).
- The year book is paid for only once a year.
All fees are payable to Educare International Daycare & Nursery Ltd., at Guaranty Trust Bank plc. Please bring your teller to the Bursar at Educare International Daycare & Nursery Ltd.
Where a child does not attend for a term or so, he/she will lose his/her space unless his/her fees are paid.
Fees once paid are not refundable. Educare reserves the right to change / adjust the fees whenever necessary.
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